Client Ask

The client, a Canadian entrepreneur, approached us with the idea of managing their social media for a swimwear and accessories brand, primarily targeting the U.S. and Canadian markets.

However, upon evaluation, we realized that while they had a logo, they lacked a solid brand foundation.


Instead of simply managing their social media, we proposed a complete brand development strategy.

This meant going beyond visuals and content, redefining the essence of Oseana to create a distinctive and memorable brand identity that could truly connect with its audience.


To establish a strong brand identity, we analyzed:

  • Buyer personas: Women looking for elegance, versatility, and sophistication in their pieces—beyond just beach or pool use.

  • Differentiation: Oseana is not just swimwear; its pieces are versatile enough for events and parties.

  • Communication tone: We defined a brand language that is elegant yet approachable, maintaining a sense of exclusivity while fostering closeness.

  • Key values: Style, confidence, and freedom.


To establish a strong brand identity, we analyzed:

  • Buyer personas: Women looking for elegance, versatility, and sophistication in their pieces—beyond just beach or pool use.

  • Differentiation: Oseana is not just swimwear; its pieces are versatile enough for events and parties.

  • Communication tone: We defined a brand language that is elegant yet approachable, maintaining a sense of exclusivity while fostering closeness.

  • Key values: Style, confidence, and freedom.


Oseana evolved from being just a logo to becoming a brand with a clear identity, consistent messaging, and a well-structured social media strategy. Now, its communication is coherent and appealing to its audience, laying a strong foundation for growth in the Canadian and U.S. markets.